Wednesday 20 December 2017

The Emergency 1975 - The dark Phase of Independent India

         While turning the pages of Indian History after Independence we will find the Dark page of 'Emergency India 1975' Which has thrown millions of Indian citizens life into the dark. An emergency was imposed by Former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi during her tenure. India's Dark phase of emergency lasted for 21 months from 25th June 1975 to 21st March 1977. Before going into the history of The Emergency let us know what is Emergency and when and how it is to be imposed.

The Emergency:

          When a county has a threat from foreign Nations or Internal disputes which leads to extreme Suffering beyond the ordinary situation the ruling government has a right under Constitution to impose emergency.
Declaration of The Emergency on june 26th 1975

           National Emergency can be declared by the President if he is satisfied that the situation of Nation is really serious and out of hands. President can declare Emergency only if 2/3 majority of parliament has agreed and recommends in written format for President. Once The Emergency is declared it remains in force for 6 months if he wants to extend the emergency the prior resolution should be passed by the majority of parliament and thus he can extend it to infinity in this procedure.

Extended Powers during Emergency 

  1. Parliament becomes empowered to make laws on any subject.
  2. President has powers regarding revenues distribution between Union territories and states.
  3. Fundamental rights automatically suspended until the end of the emergency.

India has come across 3 Emergencies

  1. From 26th October 1962 to 10th January 1968 under "Threatened external aggression" during Indo-China war
  2. Between 1971 - 1977 during Indo - Pak war 
  3. From 26th June 1975 - 21st of March 1977 under Internal disturbances threatening.
Here, we will discuss briefly the 3rd Emergency during Indira's tenure which remained as the black spot in Indian History after Independence.

Why 'The Emergency' :

         In 1971 General Election Congress lead the major and won  352 seats out of 518 and got into power with clean and big margin. Indira Gandhi's opponent Raj Narayan has filed a case in Allahabad High court against Indira saying that she had won the election by malpractice. Allahabad High court convinced with the petitioner's arguments and submitted proofs, Court declares a stunning decision that Indira was disqualified for the following six years from the date of judgment.  Indira challenged the case in Supreme Court, the court permitted Indira Gandhi to continue as Prime On some conditions. The other reason which ignited Emergency thought in Indira's mind was strengthening of opponents. JayPrakash Narayan the founder of Janatha Party(present called as bharathiya janatha party) initiated to National protest in all State capitals against the government and it's poor governing and also demanding Indira's resignation. He asked the people to follow the Constitution, not Indira Gandhi.
JayPrakash Narayan (The founder of janatha party), Raj Narayan

         During this phase, India was in a deep economic, social and political crisis making India so unstable after the war with Pakistan in 1971, Anti Government winds also raising from every common man. All the anti winds through a big challenge to Indira Gandhi and she finally took a historical decision of declaring The Emergency under article 352 (1) which gives Supreme power to decree. This plan was suggested for Indira by Siddardha Shankar The Chief  Minister of West Bengal at that time.
Siddardha Shankar with Indira Gandhi pictures
Siddardha Shankar with Indira Gandhi

         She cleared the line for imposing Emergency by singing the orders with that time President Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed. Finally, on 25th June 1975, Indira Gandhi declared 'The Emergency' taking Nation into her hands.
Legal for "The Emergency"

         She declared The Emergency stating  Pakistan may attack India at any point of time so to safeguard India from war and Internal Disputes it is necessary to be strict and Emergency was being imposed.

The situation during Emergency :

         The moment India has imposed The Emergency it was no more Democratic, it was Dictatorial. She used the extreme powers provided under article 351 and influenced the military and police forces stubbornly. She arrested all her opponent prominent leaders who are protesting over her, leaders like JayPrakash Narayan, LK Adwani, Morarji Desai were arrested and sent to jails with no mercy. Arrests were all around the nation who raised voice against Indira and almost torched to death. Nearly 1,40,000 people were thrown into jails during The Emergency.

arrests during 1975 the emergency in india picture

         Indira Gandhi's son Sanjay Gandhi forced for Mass sterilization camping. He made targets for the Officials regarding sterile operations and also announced rewards for those who achieved the targets. This made the condition worse, people were not interested in sterile operations and many went into underground to escape from forced operations. But to reach the targets officials did sterile operations even for some school students, men over 70years age not leaving anyone in their sight. People from all sectors were unhappy with this ruthless government decision.


         The Fourth Estate was suppressed ironically. Severe Censorship was imposed on the Newspapers, every headline was under control of the government. Power cuts were imposed on newspaper printing press. The first edition of  Indian Express after imposing The Emergency was left blank instead of news articles and editorial.

supression of press during the emergency

Note: With two third majority in Lok Sabha Congress enjoyed the liberty of rewriting the laws.

The final stage of The Emergency:

         Indira Gandhi has made a survey on her Emergency, the reports said that majority people were happy with the government. With this reports, she gained the confidence to wave off The Emergency. She nodded for revoke of Emergency on March 21st, 1977 and went for General Elections. This time people gave a slippery shot reply with their vote weapons and send back the Congress to an opposition with 152 seats and bought Janatha Party into Ruling.

janatha party own over congress in  7states

         The power given by the people should be used for people and not for self. Over greedy to power will never stand for more time, Indira Gandhi is the best example for this. To protect herself from political suffers she made the whole Nation to suffer with her foolish act and remained as one of the Dictators in a Democratic county.

This article is of users choice : Sadiq Mohammed

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