Friday 15 December 2017

5 Mysterious places on Earth

There are certain places on Earth which astonish you with their unnatural behaviors. With no delay let's have a quick look at these Mysterious places which you might not come across.

1 Lake Angikuni: 

This village was situated in North America. The tale of Lake Angikuni begins in November 1930. A Canadian fur trapper Joe Labelle went to the village. He has not come across any single living being there, he was not new to the place, he has visited the village before and he has some local friends there. He received a warm welcome from the villagers every time he visits that place. He searched every hut and found clothes and food hanging, he found this Horrifying and telegraphed to the police.

tribals of lake anijukuni
Tribals of Lake Anjikuni

disappeared people of lake anjikuni

Soon the  Police arrived and found nothing, not even the footprints on the snow to trace the walk of villagers. Near to outskirts of the village, they found the Dogs Which died of hunger and graves of village ground was empty. The people of the neighboring village in the investigation said that they have seen a blue light which later faded into the dark. Many investigations have done and no one has concluded what has happened. This village vanishing was remaining as the most Horrible Mystery ever.

2. Bermuda Triangle : 

Bermuda Triangle is the brain scattering puzzle for the scientist's for years and it is one of the most mysterious places in the world. This Bermuda Triangle or Devil's Triangle Covers over 44000 miles of North Atlantic ocean. This Triangle Section was blamed for missing of Dozens of Ships and aircrafts with no clues swallowing hundreds of lives.
bermuda triangle on map, bermuda triangle map, incidents of bermuda triangle area of bermuda triangle
Area of bermuda triangle 

uss cyclops (AC-4) lost in bermuda triangle, bermuda triangle pictures
uss cyclops (AC-4) lost in bermuda triangle

This did not catch the public attention unless a massive 542 feet long Navy Cargo Ship with 300 men sucked down in the region. Scientist's  have many versions which have unproven the truth of Death Triangle. Some say this has been happening because of Aliens and some version are supporting Gigantic Creatures under the Ocean. But nothing has proved and still, it's the most Mysterious places on the Earth.

3 Nazca lines:

About 1500 - 2000 years ago Nazca people inhabited this area. There were some lines drawn on the Earth. This was a desert and huge lines forming enormous drawings of animals, birds, trapezoid and many shapes by removing dark the stones and making the lighter surface to expose. This drawing has spread over an area of several hundred square kilometers.
List of Nazca lines
visuals of Nazca line from plane
monkey in nazca lines
There were no opt reason of how they formed by whom they got birth and purpose of the drawings.

4 Moguicheng, China:

Moguicheng is a desert in Xinjiang region of China. Thee translated meaning of the Moguicheng is "Devil's city".
devils city

devils city

People have reported they heard very strange sounds of guitar strings being gently plucked to the sounds of some babies cry, tiger roaring, wolf sounds, and many wired sounds while walking through the desert to this abandoned city. Nobody has not yet able to find the source from where these coming from.

5. Magnetic Hills:

This hill was in Ladakh, India. Here tourists experience the unnatural phenomenon of gravity. At one point on the hill road even if you stop your vehicle, it will gain the moment and starts moving towards the higher altitude of gravity. But, how far it is possible to travel against gravity..?? 
magnetic hills

Magnetic hills visuals

Later on, Scientist's cleared that this is happening because of Optical illusion. The road seems to be inclined but originally not. Due to some geological conditions, this Optical illusion has taken place wondering the people as they were traveling upwards the hill with a killed engine.