Wednesday 1 August 2018

VITAMIN E for Skin and Hair problems

Running behind beauty parlors and ruing your money for your skin and hair problems..??.
Then, here we have something for you which can do benefits for your skin and hair problems.
vitamin e is playing a large role in the beauty and hair loss picture

                     VITAMIN E is very essential for skin hair and nails. Have you ever observed your skin and hair beauty products which you have been using..!! well if not, have a look at your products. Every product contains VITAMIN E as it has potent antioxidants and nutrients which are most essential for skin. As we are all busy in our modern Life  running behind the time and we have no diet control to regulate the Vitamins and Proteins which we Intake. So here is the Supplement for the VITAMIN E in the form of capsule called " EVION 400 ".

                      EVION 400 mg is the medicine available in the form of capsule which can be a very great substitute for your skin and products.

How to use it for face :

                     Punch the VITAMIN E Capsule ( EVION 400 ) and squeeze the liquid into  bowl and apply the liquid on the face and gently massage your face for 10 - 15 minutes for better results. Ensure that your face is free from dirt and wet. You can also use this along with honey and Rose water. Using this on daily basis will gives you brighter skin.

lightens and moisturizes the skin

How to use Vitamin E  for hair :

                     Punch the capsule and mix the  liquid in the hair oil which you are applying regularly. Apply the mix to hair and massage the scalp for 15 minutes and leave the hair for overnight and shower the following the day. It keeps your hair shiny and makes it looks dense. Combination of  Aloe Vera and Vitamin E can also gives the best results for your hair.
before and after picture of the vitamin E effects on hair pictures

Benefits of Vitamin E :

1. Anti Ageing :

                      Application of  Vitamin E on face reduces your premature aging agents and reduces the wrinkles and dark spots around your eyes. Daily usage will give good results within weeks.

2. For Dry lips :

                       If  you are worrying about your lips just relax and try Vitamin E solvents and get nourishing lips. It is a great solvent to fight against dry and patch lips.

3. For stretch marks and burn marks :

                        Marks which are resultants of sudden weight loss and pregnancy will looks weird on our skin. No worries Vitamin E has power to fight and  rinse off or lighten  the marks which your are worrying about.
removal of strech marks on the abs using the vitamin E pictures
4. Protects from Sun burn :

                        Taking Vitamin E liquid Along with Vitamin C can protect your skin from dangerous UV Ray's. Add 4 capsules along with your nourish skin cream and apply for your skin and protect it from skin problems.

5. Vitamin E for Hair Damage :

                          VITAMIN E  Repairs damaged hair follicles and stimulates hair growth. If you are suffering with dry hair then VITAMIN E nourishes your hair and makes it shiny.
                Toxins and product build-up often cause hair follicles to get damaged and even close off completely. When this happens, the hair tends to thin out and lose its thickness and volume.

6. VITAMIN E for cracked heels :

                          VITAMIN E gel applying along with Aloe vera gel can heal your cracked heel and also reduces the burning sensation.
vitamin e with aloe vera gel is the best combition for get rid ankle marks

Side Effects of VITAMIN E:

  •                             Don't be greedy for beauty because anything beyond the limits can be dangerous. Over consumption ( Intake ) of  EVION 400 can puts you in troubles if you are diabetic patient or suffering from Heart dieseases. So using VITAMIN E can helps to sort out all your skin problems if you are cautious enough about the dosage. Using Vitamin E externally on skin and hair gives good results but some people will take it as a medicine which can makes you sick. If you are wishing to take VITAMIN E capsule directly use 200mg instead of 400mg as directed by druggist .

VITAMIN E containing food products :

      If you are looking for Food supplements which are rich in Vitamin E, here is the list
vitamin e rich fruit and vegetables pictures



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    1. Thank you for your valuable feedback Charan c kumar. We will keep on doing our best to give the best to our readers.

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    1. Thank you for your feedback for our post😊.... Even Author is suffering from Hair problems πŸ˜…
