Friday 1 December 2017

World War III !!

             World war 1, World war 2 in history had left millions of people dead. Now the technology growth was tremendous and destructive, Every country had their own lethal weapons and deadly army. Rocket launcher's, war tankers, jet fighters, nuclear weapons, ships and many more weapons were kept ready in advance by all the Nation's to face any kind of war actions.

mass grave 3 at bergen belsen during second world war, mass grave 3 at bergen belsen during world war 2

             In this kind of situations, the most powerful countries like America, North Korea, China, Russia are bullying each other for gaining supreme command over the world topping in the 3rd world war list. What if really one day these fights lead to World War 3? How many millions of people will have to sacrifice lives for their mother land? How many innocent's has to be rest in history for these consequences?

us air force planes, all us air force planes gathered at one place

             Here, we will talk about the controversial conflicts and their consequences, countries which are giving backbone shivering to other countries. The major threatening country conflicts are USA vs North Korea, India vs Pakistan, India vs China. Let's go into the keen details on how they started and how are they dangerous to rest of the world.

USA vs NorthKOREA:

             This was started in the 20th century. Japan gained control over the Korea, at the end of the  World War II Japanese Empire was dismantled. Korea felt the victim and it was divided into North Korea which was controlled by Russia and China, where South Korea was Ironed by America. This is the reason for a clash between the USA and North Korea started.
    After taking Oath as American President, Donald Trump has made several controversial statements on neighborhood countries and rival countries, Thus affecting the international relationships. On the other hand, the Dictatorial leader of North Korea Kim Jong-un is challenging the world stating that North Korea as the most powerful and Dangerous when it comes to Wars.

kim jong-un vs donald trump, world war 3 kim jong-un vs donald trump,

             North Korea is testing Nuclear weapons and intercontinental ballistic missiles aiming the USA as a target by keeping the warnings of UNO aside. Kim Jong-un has been warning the USA and Trump very often by testing lethal weapons. Recently, on 28th of November 2017 North Korea fired it's 3rd  Intercontinental Ballistic missile successfully as a future challenge to Trump.
nuclear missile of north korea, ballastic missile of north korea testing

            On the other hand, USA has sent its warship USS Monterey(CG-61), a guided missile destroyer with Ballistic missile defense(BMD) capabilities to North Korean waters to defend from North Korean threats. This was seriously considered by Kim Jong-un and Korea stated that they would not spare anymore at these acts of USA and are ready to Blast them in waters with their Missiles. But, the USA along with the help of South Korea is bullying the North Korea by its military acts and statements.

USS Monterey(CG-61), us warship at the north korean border

             This Dangerous acts from these two countries are sending danger signals to the world about another world war.If this really going to happen, many countries in the World will be no more in Map.

What would happen if World War III happen:

             Taking few cities into count we will see the sample of destruction. If really Korea bomb in New York it would result in an earthquake magnetic of 6.1 rector scale. If a hydrogen bomb of 150kt was dropped then it would create a fireball of radius 1.09km which would cause death of 385,665 and 632,540 injuries. The temperature at core point of the bomb would be 66 million Celsius, this temperature is enough to melt the rocks and metal. The Thermal radiation will affect up to  68.4km from the point of impact. This radiation will result in third-degree burns destroy the nervous system. The damage of destruction varies from state to state. One Hydrogen bomb can vanish a city from the World Map and millions of lives.

World Organizations are striving hard to bring harmony among these kind of countries to save the world from WORLD WAR 3.

united nations organisation at the geneva newyork
             Mostly the word Wars about world war may confine to International News headlines and missile testing rather than working out in reality. As the countries, they will suffer a huge loss in economy and people lives which will take centuries to recover from the loss. The best example is Hiroshima and Nagasaki in World War II. So no one will dare to shoot the first bullet from their guns.

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